I have been waiting to say those words for 2 years and 3 months of ttc. And finally, FINALLY, I can say I'm pregnant!! 
To all the future mommas out there, don't stop trying, don't lose hope.  
There were times where I lost hope and I gave up. I didn't think I could see another negative test. When ttc naturally wasn't working we turned to professionals and did some testing. Everything came back normal. My doctor had no idea why I wasn't pregnant yet. And then she said the dreaded words. Unexplained infertility. 
I resisted medication at first and hoped that we needed to try "just one more month". After a few more disappointing months we decided to try Femara. And wouldn't you know... my little peanut was conceived after our first round of Femara. Confirmed with a blood test! I'm going back tomorrow for another blood draw to make sure my hcg level has doubled. But so far, so good. 
It is out of my hands now so I can only sit back and enjoy this beautiful journey. ❤️❤️