Frustrated need outside opinion!

My husband and I have helped his father out financially a lot recently. We have paid for a hotel, bailed him out of jail, feed him, cloth him, and let him stay with us on occasion. He isn't stable and has a job but is living in a hotel. We are trying to move and that has put financial strain on us we need to come up with someway to pay our bills. We barely have groceries and all of our bills are over due including rent. His father had worked for our company recently and I asked if he could wait for his check until next month so we can keep our heads above water considering he has another job he's getting a paycheck from. My husband got angry called me selfish and every other name in the book. My family had helped us out on numerous occasions and I'm frustrated that my family can help us but I'm selfish when I think his family should help a little considering how much we've done for I being selfish or unreasonable?

Please be honest...