Money 😞

So yes it's tax season & u just got my money & I need advice, I live with the father of my son , he's been taking care of rent and all that I pay for food and what ever I can, he hasn't done his taxes for the past 2 years because if some it's issue but that's a long story >.< my concern is Iv been with him for the past 6 years & if I need something from him I almost have to beg him to help me. It's not far that he demands that I give him half of my tax return that's money I could keep for my self and my sons but If I don't give him his "half" I'm almost positive he's gonna start a fight or it I honestly don't know what to to... Money's always been an issue between us I don't know how much he gets paid & we've been together for the past 7 years I have so many deep feelings about my situation... Help.Â