Is it or is it not?

Brittney • 34, Ohio TTC miracle #1 fingers crossed, been trying for awhile ✨
Should it be considered murder if a fetus/baby is killed inside the mother (a wanted baby) no matter how far along the woman is in her pregnancy? I've seen news stories and read stories of abuse from husbands/significant others who don't want the babies so they beat their wives/significant others until they lose the babies. I've also seen where women are murdered and the fetus/baby dies also because the mother is killed. Also recently there's a story about a women who responded to a craigslist ad for baby clothes and the baby is cut out of her by the poster when she went to pick up the baby clothes, which caused the babies death. There are so many different stories that are along the same lines. So back to the original question is this murder no matter how far along the mother is? 

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