Question about babies gender

Megan • 28 yearѕ old. мoммy тo jordan 8 yrѕ old💚 and мaттeo 6 yrѕ old💙wιғe тo мaттнew 4.26.13💍oυr aleхιѕ мae dυe 6.16.15 🎀
I am 27 weeks 3 days, I was told at my 14 week sonogram that I was expecting a baby girl because she saw the 3 little lines. So we have been slowly buying baby girl things, like clothes and a travel system. But now yesterday I had an appointment and my friend is my sonogram tech so she did 3D face pictures for me. But we attempted to double check the sex to make sure and at first my friend said she didn't think she was a girl anymore because she couldn't see the 3 lines again. We thought we saw testciles but no actual penis. And then another sonogram tech took a look and she said she saw the 3 lines. But the thing is if it's a boy he has the smallest penis ever! Haha but they said she could be a girl and just have very swollen lady parts. My question is have any of you had this problem with their daughters lady parts being a tad swollen? Or did they think girl first but then have a boy? I just really would like to be prepared with pink or blue and not get stuck with green and yellow :( especially because my travel system is purple and clothes are pink I don't want to have to dress my son in pink the poor thing haha.