Yeast infection and ovulation

Chelsea • Mom of 3 and a half :)
So, this week is my fertile week. I ovulate on the 22nd or around there. I can't get in to see the gyno until next Friday and I started burning/itching yesterday. I'm assuming it's a yeast infection.. but it could be vaginitis again. I don't want to take anything until I talk to the doc. I would normally go get some monistat... but I just read that it could mess up the pH balance of my vagina.. and the sperm won't be able to swim good in the cream and It might mess up getting pregnant. Ugh I'm so depressed. Oh and not to mention, I am not even completely sure that I am ovulating. I have been checking my cervix for about 2 weeks. Since I ended my period. And it's stayed the same. It seems like it's in the middle of high and low. And the cm is nothing like what it's supposed to be when you're close to ovulation. It's creamy. It's not watery or slimy. I am so confused. Shouldn't it be watery or slimy right now? Lol ugh. So my questions, should I use monistat?or wait and just keep having sex as long as my body allows lol and about the ovulation.. do you guys think I may have already ovulated or my ovulation is just off? Thank you all :)