When will it happen 😔

Samantha • Married to my best friend. Ttc our first miracle since 2012. Lost our miracle in November 2021
I've been with my fiancé for a little over 3 years and we are getting married in April. We found out I had a chemical pregnancy in December and miscarried at 3 1/2 weeks it never showed up on a pregnancy test but when I explained it to my dr she aaid that definitely sounds like a chemical pregnancy. We have tried so hard to do everything right and nothing in 3 years that was the first time I was ever pregnant and I didn't even get to experience it with joy. When will it be out turn for a little miracle alls I've wanted in life was to be a mother. Granted when I was younger before I had my first boyfriend at 15 I always said I didn't want kids but that completely changed when I turned 16 alls I want is to be a mommy. I can't help but think because for years I said I didn't want kids I'm being punished. Also when I was 4 years old I had ovarian cysts removed for years I thought I couldn't get pregnant and told my boyfriend that but then the drs said if I have a normal period every month then I will be able to get pregnant in the last 6 months I've lost 80 lbs to make sure I could carry a health baby I'm just so discouraged and depressed about it and don't know what to do anymore. Will I ever become a mom or will I have to suffer through life knowing I will never be a mother. Sorry for the rant just really depressed lately about itÂ