Period pain and TTC


Hey ladies,

I'm hoping some of you can help me out with some tips/tactics you have for dealing with the pain (physical and emotional) of getting your period when your TTC.

I started on birth control when I was 13 to manage cramps. I'm now 28 and have been off BC for about 7 months and the pain from my cramps are severe and debilitating at times. Add the that the disappointment that comes along with not being pregnant and I'm just a mess for a couple of days a month. The emotional/hormonal stuff sucks but its really the severe cramps that I don't know how to deal with.

How do you ladies deal with severe cramps?

I use a heating pad, drugs (prescription and/or over the counter), massage, curling in to the fetal position, and breathing exercises. I don't know what else to do!