I've stopped

Okay, so I've been a smoker for a few years. Before everyone starts to lecture me... I KNOW how horrible smoking is... I hate that I smoke, I know it's killing me.. I know it's a nasty habit. But I lit a cigarette today and decided it's time, no more. I CANNOT keep doing this to my body. But I need help. I need encouragement, this isn't something I can put on my Facebook to get encouragement (although I know I would get tons) because I've hidden it from so many people I'm ashamed to even admit that it's been a problem. I am begging for some encouragement on here. I love you ladies and all the positive vibes I've gotten from precious posts. I want to start trying for a baby, really trying and tracking but I couldn't comitt to it until I stopped smoking. I've got step kids and don't want them ever know I smoke. Please help. 😊