Hello I was trying to conceive then we decided of it happens it happens. So then my period if you wanna call it that came early and wasn't even my five days.... I wiped only to get a few spots...thinking ahead input a tampon later change it and it only had a few I'm like maybe this time mother nature wants to take her time and start slow. So I put another one in and my bf dragged me to the sweaty I came home and took a shower...the tampon had brownish discharge but no like pink dots like before....getting angry I go tell my bf...he tells me don't worry...we have intercourse...I go clean up two drops...put a tampon in....woke up to change it and barely anything on I wash and change it.....later I change it....NOTHING!! Not even on toilet paperAngry for wasting tampons lol I didn't put another one in....not even brown a week later yesterday I decide to take a Tbh couldn't pee barely came out but I dip it in pop up NO then yes....then today I tested on a dollar store brand thought I saw a faint line but my eyes suck..maybe because I got raped and caught a std I can't have kids even though that was like 12yrs ago and I took care of the std...I'm thinking its me but my doctor says I'm fine got another appt in April and my bf just got checked and said he is good and healthy.... Any suggestions ladies..I can't stop crying