Tasting things...


I know it's easy to get paranoid in the TWW, and think every inch and pinch means pregnancy, but I am having a totally bizarre experience and I wondered if anyone else has had a similar one. Everything I eat tastes like soap.

1) I ate an apple at lunch at work and thought I must have had soapy hands or hand lotion or something rubbed off on the apple skin.

2) got home and drank water that tasted soapy, thought I didn't rinse my dishes well enough.

3) got new water straight from the tap in a new paper cup... still tastes soapy!

I know an exaggerated sense of smell can be an early symptom of pregnancy, is there any such thing with taste? If it matters I'm about 7 dpo and also have sore breasts, I'm extra thirsty (but it's super dry here) and AF is due on 4/2.