Dont know what to do anymore

I've only felt like this before once and it lasted nearly 2 years after my granny died..I feel really numb in my feelings. I feel upset but I can't cry.

I've been ttc for over a year, my period came 2 days ago. I'm feeling really odd and lost. I don't know if its my hormones or if I'm down in life. Feels like I'm grieving again. I'm 22 and finding it hard in ttc. I never really thought it was this difficult..I don't know if my relationship failing. I just feel in a daze. Feel confused on how I should feel..right now it feels as if I'm drunk.a bit unaware from my surroundings. I've tried doing everything which would normally cheer me.I like to watch funny clips but I watched them lastnight and my feelings got even more numb. I tried going for a walk but I feel too heavy to carry. I woke up at 6 am and I want to crawl back in bed. Do you think its just low on hormones making me feel like this. Please someone just advice me. I can't talk to anyone because they just change convo thinking I'm not serious. And I can't talk to close family I might upset them. Will someone make me cry or something because it might cheer me up. Just say something really sad. But don't say go doctors because might make me feel worse