35weeks, is this a good sign I will go into labor on time?

Annelise • Mom of 5
So yesterday I went to my appt and everything was good. Heart beat was 145. I told my midwife that my lower stomach has felt swollen so she went to check. She said that the baby is very long measuring almost 3 weeks bigger. And that the reason I feel so swollen is because his head is very low in my pelvis and pretty much in the best position to be born. I'm 35 weeks+2 days. And I guess I'm wondering if this means I should expect him to come on his own in the next few weeks? She said she doesn't see me going past my due date with the way things are looking but she didn't even check if I was dialating. She said they won't check until I'm 37 weeks. Just looking for anyone with similar situations and when you gave birth.