When to test after irregular periods


Hi Everyone

Long story short, we started trying in August last year and got preg straight away but mc 8wks. We didn't wait for my next period after the mc and started trying again and got preg and mc Xmas day 7wks. I then bled until Feb 23rd until I finally ended up in the emergency room. After being checked out by my Gyno a week later she said we were right to start trying again when i was emotionally ready so we started again 3 weeks ago and it has been over a month since I stopped bleeding and no period.

So the question is when can I test to see if I am preg again? 4 days ago started getting bad night sickness, sore boobs, sore back and pressure in my tummy. I remember having ov pain but can't remember the date annoyingly.

Has anyone been in this situation before? I did a hpt this morning but was neg. Hoping for baby #2 ♡
