Need to vent 😡

M • Loving life! ❤️✌️
This is not pregnancy or relationship related but I need to get it off my chest...this has got my pregnancy hormones boiling for sure! Neighbor behind us decided to take down the fence we share in our backyard and build a new one. We have 4 dogs so it was a major inconvenience for us yesterday but we were told it would only take a day so we were fine with it. Well last night around 6 the workers packed up and left and all they did was take down the old one-no new fence yet. Fine we figured, just another night of dogs on  lockdown and hopefully they'd finish tomorrow. Fast forward to this morning where the workers are back and working bright and early but not on the fence now, on the roof! I just asked one guy when they were going to finish the fence so we could let our dogs out and he said not until tomorrow...really people?!!! I'm so pissed right now, my poor dogs have to suffer inside all day and tomorrow because these people can't pull their heads out of their asses and finish a job they already started?! I'm sorry this is long and totally uninteresting to some but I needed to get it out somewhere 😒  Am I just being pregnant and unreasonable or would this piss you off too?