Period is 3 days late and I think I have a yeast infection?

So my period was supposed to start on March 26, it's now March 29 and it still hasn't come. I've been using FAM methods to avoid having sex during and near my fertile window since i'm not on any form of birth control and my boyfriend just relies on pulling out. We've had sex twice since my last period (February 28 and March 20) and I'm not exactly sure how much stress and strenuous exercise can affect when your period comes but i guess that could be a possibility, i'm just not sure of to what extent. I also think i have a yeast infection; I've had about two in the past two years so i'm kind of familiar with how it feels. I searched the internet to see if a yeast infection could have anything to do with my late period, but learned that there wasn't a direct connection between the two. However, I did learn that yeast infections could happen if you're pregnant so now I don't know what to think and i'm starting to freak out, someone please help