Seriously?! Getting tired...

So my husband was finally home to witness one of my mothers discretely manipulative abusive moments. He asked me to go with him for a drug screening and then go to lunch. My mother asked us to go grocery shopping so we planned to do that also.

She came downstairs, into our room to give us the list and some cash and then said she would just go because I was taking too long to get ready. I said I only need to put on mascara and clothes and I'm ready...

She then esscalated and told me my husband wanted to get the field mowed today on his day off and I'm wasting time. Yada yada yada.

It ended with her telling me I shouldn't argue over stupid things after I had changed the subject and given her a hairtie.

I called her out the best I could but she just wraps it back around to me over and over!

Eventually she added it was inconsiderate to ask him to go to the store on his day off, along with me taking so damn long.

So now we only went to his drug screening and are now going lunch date on his day off...he did tell me she felt bad for asking him to go to the store and just flipped it around on me....

I said yeah...everythings been my fault for 19 years. Nothing new.

I pray I'm not a mother like her to my baby.

The only reason we live here, is because we are taking care of his debt so we can actually get into a place, meanwhile the bills from paying off multiple credit cards leaves us with $20 in the bank at the end of each month...