29 weeks, weight gain?

Im 29 weeks.. how much weight have others gained? everyone keeps telling me how huge i am and its making me down. its my second and i am jot as big as last time. i just want to shout 'HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PREGNANT PERSON?'
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I'm 29 weeks and have gained 40. Went from a 26 inch waist to a 41!!!


Patricia • Apr 21, 2015
Haha glad I'm not only one!


Jah • Apr 20, 2015
Same boat exactly !!!!!!!


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I'm 31 weeks and have gained around 20 lbs. I barely gained in the 1st or 2nd trimesters. I'm really packing it in now and its making me feel giant.


Lauren • Apr 1, 2015
I managed to only gain 2 pound before 14 weeks and then steady increase. Now up to 15 lbs. If i can keep it to a pound or less a week I think that is reasonable.


Posted at
25-35 pounds is recommended for healthy baby and mama. Of course healthy can be below or above that range too, but I think they statistically the best outcomes tend to be there. It's tough because as women we so often want to watch our weight and be as thin as we can, but in pregnancy that's just not what is best for our bodies. (Not that it is a good idea to take it to the other extreme either!) Growing another human takes lots of good, healthy food and good, healthy fat on our bodies to sustain all the things that are happening inside of us. I have gained 20 lbs at 32 weeks by eating when I'm hungry and making whole food choices and I am doing my best to celebrate that my body is creating a new life. 


Posted at
I'm 34 weeks and have gained 30. At 29 weeks I had probably gained over 25. It's all relative and I feel like most people just say your big because they don't know what else to say. It's also usually women that havnt been pregnant. I find that most women that have been pregnant are kinder with their words and usually ask more about how I am feeling. As long as your doctor isn't concerned ignore them 💞


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29 weeks and gained 20 even so far. Started a fit 125 now 145.


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Nearly 34 weeks now and just hit 16 lbs. Didn't gain anything until week 25 so it's been a steady increase since then. 


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I'm 30 weeks now and at 28weeks I had gained 26lbs... I will see Thursday how much I've gained these past few weeks. I went on vacation so I'm sure it's not good😳


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I'm 31 weeks and gained 11 pounds 


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At 30 weeks I gained 10lbs 


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I am 29 weeks and have gained 8lbs. I don't look that big, mostly belly but I feel huge lol