Being with someone who is Manic

My boyfriend just recently revealed that he is manic bipolar. He does not go through depression, but does experience mania when he is under stress. His episodes occur every 1-2 years. We have been dating for 10 months. We've come to a point in our relationship where our mothers know us. He's stared introducing me to his friends as his significant other. And as all this is happening, he had an episode just 2 weeks after he shared his condition with me. I stayed with him a couple of times when he was having the episode. He was not violent or scary, just different. More indifferent, with more erratic moods. This whole thing has got me thinking about our future. We have a trip planned in May but his mom is saying that the trip across the States will trigger an episode. I guess I'm asking for advice for anyone who has been or is currently with someone who suffers bipolar disorder, particularly manic. What's the quality of your relationship and how do you advise I proceed? I love him dearly. I am also worried about our future.