Having a "gift"?


Have you ever just known something that was going to happen....when you you should have had no idea?

2 different people have stopped me in 2 different public settings and told me that my baby will have my gifts. I am currently in my TWW.

My dad has always just sort if known things. Like if someone was bad news just by looking at them. We had someone at my last Hotel job that I went on a date with and when my dad met him, he said "Oh he is running from his own lies. He is going yo take everything he can from you and that company." I didn't go out with him after that. 6 months later he was fired for embezzlement and he had a record as long as my arm.

I can admit it happens more than I realize that I will think something or say it to someone else and then it happens or comes out that it is true. I am always dumbfounded.

My parents have a video of me playing with my sisters as a child talking about a plane crashing into a tower. (I threw my barbie jet straight through a stack of building blocks). When my mom asked me where I heard something like that, I just keep playing and say "This has been a long time coming. But it isn't what people think." That was on 8/27/2001.

Does anyone else have this "gift"? Can it be passed to my children?