Opinions please ladies??

Ariana • I'm 20 and we're currently pregnant with baby number one. EDD October 28 2015. 😊👶✨👶🎃
So I was really looking forward to making my pregnancy public at 12 weeks which is 1 week 6 days from today. Unfortunately I went to the doctor today and my doctor told me we won't be doing another ultrasound until 20 weeks 😳😳 and we won't use the Doppler until 14/15 weeks 😁😁. So I didn't get to see the baby or hear the babies heart beat. My last ultrasound was at 9 weeks 5 days at the ER and everything is looking fine but now I'm concerned. Should I still announce my pregnancy at 12 weeks as planned or should I wait till 14/15 weeks when I go in and hear the heart beat? I'm really ready to say something because family has been telling some people ( against my wishes) about my pregnancy and I would like me and my fiancé to be the ones to tell everyone about our first little one. Am I over thinking this? Should I just say something at 12 weeks? Should I wait? What would you do?