Light period a week and half after missed period

I am always one that has a very heavy period with clotting (talking Ultra Tampon and changing every 2 hrs) been that was since my son was born.  I found out at 8weeks with a positive at home test.
With my daughter I had what was a cryptic pregnancy since I didn't find out until my yearly exam that I was 24 weeks pregnant.  I didn't have any symptoms, was on the pill and had my period still heavy as usual until a month after I found out.  Even took home tests when I feel weird but it was negative so brushed it off as I was still having my heavy periods.
For about 2 weeks I have have horrible indigestion, nausea like crazy, going to the bathroom every 30min to an hr, sore boobs (not to mention blood veins showing like crazy when they never have) , missed period and extreme fatigue but negative home test.  (With my daughters pregnancy my doctor said that my body required the higher level estrogen pills which I had been on the lower level but he said with my hormones being slightly different after my rough pregnancy and labor with my son that my hormones don't produce enough for a positive read on home tests til mid pregnancy. )  I have an appointment made with my doctor since me and a friend are both dealing with same symptoms just she got a positive home test.  But it's not til May 11th,  they said from me listing my symptoms that it sounds like I am pregnant but they would still want to do a blood test and so forth anyways due to my history with my daughter.
But here I am a week and half after my missed period and I start spotting last night and today it's a light bright red but mostly when wiping and pad wise I have only used liners and changed them a couple times but never full.  
I guess I just want some reassurance that I'm not loosing my mind if that makes sense.  What do you think?