Pitting edema anyone?

So I came home from work after my day...I think it was 2/5, I'm on 4/5 today, thank God. I work as a nurse in the ICU so I was on my feet all night long, wore compression socks the next day and it was only slightly better.
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Seems common with us nurses being on out feet for 12+ hours. I was worried, but my doctor said as long as my blood pressure is good, it's fine. Mine is definitely a 2+ on a bad day. It just hurts!


Posted at
I'm in the same boat. 2+ at the ankles and 1+ from knees down. I'm a nurse as well. Those 12's are killing my feet! Ted hose and elevation, but it's not helping 100%. I think we better come to terms that until we stop working or delivery our beautiful babies this is what our feet will look like😳. 


Kirsten • Apr 7, 2015
I was disappointed the first day and a little the second day, I've since gotten over it lol now it's more of a show and tell type thing...now if only I could feel like that with the rest of my body we will be good


Posted at
Not as bad but I definitely have some swelling.