Shrunken testicles?! Too much sex?

Hi all,
This is a serious question - hubby and I are TTC our first and have been having sex everyday since the end of my period (6 days so far). He has noticed his testicles are smaller/ this normal!? Is it going to effect his sperm count?! Me getting pregnant?! PLEASE HELP!
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Do it every other day so his potency can have time to build up.


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My doctor recommended that we have sex every other day. I know that we didn't have sex the day we conceived, but the day before and after, and obviously it worked! 


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Less sperm after ejaculation? Cold? 


Chani • Apr 4, 2015
It takes 3 days for the sperm count to build up to its maximum number after ejaculation.


Laura • Apr 4, 2015
It is pretty cold I guess, could be that. He hasn't noticed any less semen as far as I know and neither have I