27 and a bit discouraged


So my ex and I reconciled and we're dating again. We've known each other for 8 yrs. I moved away a year ago and came back. Turning 27 this January was an emotional roller coaster for me. He took me out to dinner and we spent time alone...all of a sudden I looked in his eyes and said "I want a baby" he responded "after tax season, I promise". He's an accountant. I was a little embarrassed, but I blame it on my hormones because that same night I had my period. For the next 2 months I had baby on my brain. Last week, my bf and I spent the night in Times Square. We rented a hotel room. I said to myself "tonight is the night. According to Glow I'm super fertile". I even prayed "God let it happen". Here we were in this room, alone. After hugging and kissing he goes "ready to make some babies?" Oh the joy I felt. I get undressed and hop in bed. He goes "let me put on a condom". AAAAHHHHH!!!! I was so depressed. Maybe now is not the right time. We just rekindled our love and i know he's afraid that I'll hurt him again. I wouldn't want to bring a baby into world if we haven't rebuild our trust. But it's so hard...I'm almost 30! My mom's voice keeps popping in my heard when I think about having a baby "you're almost 30, it's not easy to conceive in your 30's". Sorry for the lengthy post. I just needed to vent this morning. Has anyone been in my position or currently going through this? Do I have issues?
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I'm married to an accountant and am 2 years older. I turned 28 this year and had a bit of a melt down on my hubby. I've had baby fever for almost 2 years and have been waiting for him to feel ready. It's hard because he's so financially responsible he keeps saying it's not in the budget. But it will never be in the budget... We own a home, two reliable (new) vehicles, take 2-3 vacations a year... I'm fairly sure we can afford a baby. I work from home so we wouldn't even have day care expenses. Anyway I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone in the world. My husband has finally agreed we can start trying this summer. By then I'll be approaching 29, so I'm praying we get pregnant quickly bc I'll definitely be in my mid-30s by the time we try for baby #2


Ne • Apr 4, 2015
Megan thanks for sharing your story. it's hard dating an accountant they calculate everything! I know my bf wants to be in a good place financially but as a woman it's hard because our biological clock is ticking. But you're a good wife because you listen to your hubby and talk this out. My mom once told me "if you wait for the man to tell you when you're ready to have kids you'll never have them" to her it's about getting what YOU want. She believes in the whole "tricking the guy to get pregnant" tactic which I completely disagree. it might've worked in her day but guys nowadays are very smart.lol. I pray that you patience will pay off 😀


Posted at
Thanks Liz for your words. I think it's a cultural thing. I'm from Africa and most women in my country(Gabon) have kids young. My grandma had mom at 13 and my mom had me at 20. So a woman having her child in her 30's is weird. I don't think my mom understands the financial responsibility of having a child. I just need to remind myself that we're living in different times. Maybe my bf was caught up the moment. Guys are confusing.


Lizz • Apr 4, 2015
You're welcome. Definitely does sound like a cultural thing. I hope your mom doesn't give you too much trouble about it and that your boyfriend makes up his mind soon. Men are very strange indeed. Good luck with everything! :)


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A lot of women have babies in their thirties..I was always taught in science classes that forties is when it gets really tricky/risky. My mom had both me and my brother in her thirties. She was actually just a month away from 40 when my brother is born. We were both perfectly healthy, and as far as I know my parents had no trouble conceiving. Every woman is different, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. :) I do find it odd that he put on a condom right after pretty much saying let's make a baby...but maybe he just got caught up in the moment?