What do I do? So depressed!

About two years ago my boyfriend and I met online. I was completely in love. He lived in Texas in i lived in louisiana. After 6 months he decided to move down. About 6 months later he went to Texas and at that point we were unsure of what to do with our relationship. We decided to stay together and since then he has came back and left again. Now I am pregnant (about 7 months) and he's still in Texas. He tells me over and over that he'll be here and still hasn't . There's even been times he said he was on his way and something always happens and he doesn't come. Just last night he was supposed to be here once again. This time he's said he was close! I drove all the way there and waited on him for about 30-40mins. And he was no where to be found. Why is he doing this to me? I don't understand why not just say you aren't coming in the first place. Im starting to see that i will be raising this baby all alone. It makes me so sad and I still wish to be with him. I don't know what to do... I wish he would be here . Any advice ?