More upset than angry...

My SOs cousin lost a baby, so I went around hers to pay my respects and see how she's doing as I myself had a still born and know what it's like to lose a baby. The cousin in question has 3 children and she works full time. Her mother who is an old woman minds the children whilst she works. The reason I mention this is because she was glad she lost her baby as she didn't want to leave her job and she thought her mother has enough on her plate with her other 3 children. I went expecting her to be upset and sad but found her laughing and joking I thought she was being brave at first then she made it clear she was happy she lost it. Here's me been TTC for months and crying into every BFN I get. What test for me? I felt like sobbing my heart out but held it togther obviously not everyone knows I'm TTC. So sad... Really broke my heart.