Scared I won't love my baby

I've been debating on posting this.... I know this sounds crazy and selfish and all of you can call me whatever you want....... 
I have always wanted a family, I had my full heart invested in one gender. Had every feeling it would be a girl. Come to find out in the ultrasound room it's no doubt a boy.... I never pictured my life with a boy. Let alone a boy first. My husband only has brothers and this will be the 5th nephew, no girls at all in the family. We both were hoping to break this trend (sounds crazy but we were hopeful) even my husband had his hopes on a girl. We are announcing it today to the family, who all said they thought it was a girl, and said "if it's a boy it will just become funny" (now thinking it really hurts me) I just feel like it will always be a joke now "they only have boys in that family" ..... Last night I cried all night. I don't know what kind of tears they were, happy, sad or just hormones.... My brain filled with to many thoughts, am I ever going to get "my girl" being one of them.... With the family's record I'm starting to doubt it.... When will I start feeling that unconditional love for him? I feel like such a horrible person......
Again call me whatever you want because I'm sure it's not any worse than what I'm already calling myself..... Thank you for reading this, and thank you to ever posts