Vent vent vent

Im going to be judged so im going to put this anonymously. VERY VERY LONG! SORRY...

So a couple years ago, i started dating this guy. At first it was amazing. Then it started going downhill after about 2 months. His best friend whose been friends with for years decided to get in between us. I guess she was in love with him and didnt want him to be happy? But when she relaized that we werent going to break up anytime soon she started rumors about me at school. She said i was a bitch and that i kept stalking her at school and calling her all sorts of names. She said i threaten to kill her multiple times. Let me tell you that by this time i never even met her and i had no idea what she looked like at all. So one day my boyfriend at the time pointed her out to me so i went up to her and calmly asked her why she hated me so much? And what did i ever do to her? My boyfriend was right there watching the whole thing happen. She said that she wasnt starting any rumors and she had no idea what i was talking about. A few days later i was walking up to school to meet my boyfriend and somebody from my bowling team stopped me and demanded to know why i was bullying her sister. I was confused because 1. I dont bully people and 2. I didnt know who the heck she was talking about. She then preceded to tell me who her sister was. And load and behold it was my boyfriends best friend. The sister said she comes home everyday crying her eyes out because i bullied her and i told her to go kill herself. So the sister asked me if it was true. I told her that it wasnt and i did confront her but only to talk to her about what shes saying. I even had my boyfriend as a witness. And the sister was so relieved because she didnt need to beat my ass. She told me just to leave her alone and dont talk about her. My boyfriend at the time wanted to believe i didnt do that but he didnt want to betray his best friend either. So he tried ignoring it and so did i. One day she came over to us while we were eating lunch and told my boyfriend to follow her. And he did. They were out of sight for 15 or 20 mintues. Alone. I was starting to get mad, and i was royally pissed by the time he came back. I asked him what she wanted and he said that she wanted me to break up with you because your a horrible person and i dont need to be someone like you. And i asked him what he said to her and he just said that he wasnt going to leave me because he didnt believe i was like that. So after about a month that died down. Then one day i was bowling with my team and the girls mom was taking pictures of boys she didnt even know. So i was joking around and i called the girls mom a pedophile in front of the sister. The sister was pissed as fuck and told me it wasnt a joke. I apologized over and over again and i even started crying because she wouldnt forgive me. I felt terrible for months after that... everytime i tried talking to my boyfriends best friend alone she would say that she cant talk to me alone because she was told not me around me at all. So i asked her if she can apologize to her mom for me because i felt terrible for what i said. And the girl told me she would but she probably wont forgive you. After that things got so bad between me and my boyfriend that we ended things that summer. He told he got tired of me and couldnt deal hearing bad things about me. So we went our separate ways. So after the summer ended i started my senior year and at the time i was a total wreck because of what happen. I became captain of my bowling team since i was a senior. The girls sister was still on my bowling team and she ignored me the whole school year. She got my bowling teamates to turn on me and no one would listen to a word o said. No one invited me sleepovers or movie night out or springs day. I was forced into going to the springs one day and they left me all alone in the water while they walked down to the springs. And they ignored me the whole 6 hours we were at springs. They never even looked at me. The mom of the two girls turned the bowling parents on me and my mom. The parents said i was a horrible captain and i didnt do anything to support the team and i was always late to practice, and my mom didnt donate any money for the money. Which was a complete and utter lie because my mom and i were always there cheering the team on trying to encourage them to do better. That not getting a spare or a strike wasnt the end of the world. That they can do it. Even though they did deserve it. And my mom couldnt really donate money because she was working 3 jobs and going to school just to keep us afloat since my father wasnt in the picture. We told my coach this and he understood why wr couldnt do it. But the parents were furious and told my coach i needed to be kicked off the team for not showing school spirit. That whole family made my life a living hell. And i was sooo glad when i graduated. Now two years later im extremely happy, im getting married im moving on with my life. But everytime i see them in public i want to protect myself and my fiancee, i want to run and hide, i want to puke right there, i want to beat the shit out of them... but i dont i just walk away... am i allowed to feel this way? Am i being childish? They hurt me really bad.. like i have no friends from the experience and im scared shitless to go bowling anymore because i dont want them ruining happiness i finally was able to find.... just venting...