A little off topic...breast milk

I know I wasn't going to post but I've thought about it and only positive answers matter. And I have no one else to express my feelings too but.... My cuzins wife who just had her son at 25 week has an abundance of breast milk and is giving it to women. She has such an abundance that there making icecream and stuff after giving it away. I think that's great that she can still feed her tiny son and help mommys who can't breast feed their baby's give their baby's a great start in life. I posted this in general ttc Bc I'm ttc and hope when I finally have a baby I can help mommys in need too! But I just thought it was great! This is after her lactation consultant told her she would have enough milk to breast feed! Proved him wrong! I hope we all can be like my cuzins wife and specialists, they say we won't be able to have babies, prove them wrong! I'm so motivated by my cuzins wife! FYI she has spent over $50,000 trying to have theo. She might not have made it to 40 weeks but he sure is a fighter! His eyes are now open, his chest tubes are out! And with  his tubes  he weighed 1lb 12 oz! Now he's 1 lb 8oz with just his lil IV and oxygen tank. He is a $50,000 baby and we couldn't have loved him more!