So we are basically infertile


So hubby's count is 200 000. which is supremely low. and my eggs don't mature enough either.

so we've tried changing our lifestyle to help, cut down drinking, hubby stopped smoking weed, and trying to eat healthier.

I had 2 beers after hubby went to bed last night because I could not sleep. he noticed this morning and got mad at me.

I told him that it really makes no difference since he keeps saying he doesn't care if we have a baby.

he was still mad. mainly because he's stopped smoking weed and I drank 2 beers :/

he had been taking vitamin c which should help sperm count and quality. so he threw that in my face too.

I don't know. I think we should stop trying. he's so ambiguous, I feel like I'm forcing him.

He's restarted his second job so we COULD afford <a href="">IVF</a> but he wants to re do the house floors instead.

This was a slap in the face with how little he thinks of me and our situation.

I'm. super depressed and starting counseling in a couple of weeks. he knows this but still thinks he can placate me with a lifestyle.change.

part of me is saying he KNOW that even with this there is almost NO chance of me getting pregnant but he'll be able to say he tried.

I'm so frustrated.