Most likely goodbye

💜GoofyLemmings💜 • Rainbow 🌈 Due June 2018 ❤💙
Well went to the er last night because of brown discharge turning red and they said ultrasound looked to be 6 wks (instead of 8 wks) but they didn't see a yoc sac or fetal pole, but my levels were good for "6wks".
Went to the doctors today for a check up my cervix is still closed, but she's on the fence about if it is a blighted ovum or not. I go Thursday morning for blood work to check if my levels are doubling and if they are I will go for an ultrasound on Friday and keep my original appointment for the 14.
But if my levels stay the same, or start dropping then I have lost the baby and start back at square one. 
I'm still having brown discharge with some red. 
If anyone has had this happen and everything was okay if greatly appreciate hearing it, but I really need positive thought, vibes and prayers sent my way for our little sprout.
I am fearing the worse.