Early pregnancy symptoms?

I'm 16 & I've only had sex once and ever since I've been completely paranoid and stressed because I'm constantly thinking "what if I'm pregnant". I had sex for the first time about 3-4 weeks ago and had my period 4days ago and it was quite heavy as usual and it lasted for six days. I just really want to find out what the most common symptoms are in early pregnancy so I can at least get some peace of mind hopefully.. I don't really have any way to get a home pregnancy test on my own so I'm pretty much in the dark..
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It's ok if you had your period already than you are not pregnant don't worry! :)


Lindsey • Apr 9, 2015
no, you can't. You can have bleeding but it's not a period.


Amy • Apr 8, 2015
you can definitely have a period and be pregnant.


MJJS • Apr 8, 2015
I agree as well.


Posted at
Dont have sex if your that paranoid. You should be ready for all scenarios. You cant get a pregnancy test, you sure as hell cant get a kid. Just my two cents. :)


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How about try an use protection?! It will help protect you not only from pregnancy.  And is definetly a nessesary if u have just started being sexually active.When it comes to symptoms unfortunately ure first symptom will be missing your period, morning sickness, cramping , feeling tired and hormonal. But won't be easy to tell and can be mistaken because well this a most common symptoms a woman can have for pretty much everything . So best solution if you don't want to get pregnant and etc practice safe sex. 


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In the same exact boat.