Most Embarrassing Moment Of Your Life????

♚NAS♚ • Born in South Africa.. happily married.. 2 baby boys under two years.

Okay .. c'mon ladies .. lets share some embarrassing moments!.. we all have them! .......

Mine was when I was 10 years old .. I was quite a round chubby 10 year old too! It was my eldest brothers wedding and they had asked me to be hes ring bearer .. weird I know .. anyway as he gave me hes hand and honestly they put it in such a difficult glass thingy! That I fiddled with it so much to get the ring out ... and then it happened .. my heart sank as the ring fell from my hands and rolled about 5 meters away from me .. all the while been recorded on film and in front of 500+ people! .. I felt scarred .. truly everytime they put that video on I had to fast forward that scene! Lol!

So share some of your stories!!!.. its for fun!