Ovulation Kit &conceiving GIRL



Hello ladies.......I have never used a ovulation kit before. I have boys and would love a girl. My husband and I have been trying but obviously missed it the Las few months. Which ovulation kit is best and how do you use it to concieve a girl?

Thanks so much for reading this. Advice please?

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Posted at
Look up the Shettles Method. I've heard good things about it. 


Posted at
You can not ensure you'll have a boy or girl, but I wish you luck in conception. My hubby has a daughter from previous, I have a son from previous, we have a son together and a daughter together. Nature just does its own thing. My grandmother kept trying for a girl and got 6 boys. Baby girl dust sent your way


Posted at
Well I KNOW some people.think this is just a myth but I went by Chinese gender chart!!! It was right both times for me and come.to find put it was right for 98 % of the people.I asked......two couples had twins so Idk if that messes it up. Trying for a.boy and I NEED baby dust!!!


Posted at
I've used the dollar store brand 


La • Apr 8, 2015


Princess • Apr 8, 2015
Is the results dark lines? are they easy to read?


Posted at
Thank you ALL so much!


Posted at
Once you get a positive opk you'll ovulate within36 hours. I dont recall what they say is best to try for a girl... Like do it the day you are ovulating or days before ovulation but really i think that's all not real


Lovely • Apr 8, 2015
oh if you go to countdowntopregnancy.com they can give you a guess at when you ovulate and tell you days to have sex for a girl


Posted at
You use the ovulation test strips to find out when you'll be ovulating. It has nothing to do with ensuring a particular gender for your baby. 


Kate • Apr 8, 2015
The test line has to be the same shade or darker than the control line to indicate a positive LH surge, which means you'll ovulate in the next 12-24 hours.


Princess • Apr 8, 2015
Yes I realize that. I didn't word this correctly. Just wanting to know what a positive would look like to days prior. Or if that's even possible w a kit.