Myself: and guys.

Over the past year and a half I have gotten myself involved with two amazing people. I dated one of them for ten months, we were in love. I had never been in love with anyone before so yes he was my first love. But I had/have this best friend, who is a guy. He has the most amazing personality it's crazy. They are both great but they both have their flaws of course. 
When my boyfriend and I broke up last year October I thought it would be really easy to get over him, turns out I'm still not over him.. Things that remind me of him make me so sad and I miss him and the time we had together. So one day my best friend came over and we kissed and from there we both understood our feelings for each other, the difficult part of this situation was that he was also a really good friend of my ex (till this day he still does not know). 
We have tried having something but I realized that I am still not over my ex boyfriend and I miss last year. 
I will never say that I feel like that visit from my best friend was a mistake, but after it happened my life took a turn into major complications and it's making me a generally sad person. 
Please help.
P.S. I have this problem where I focus more on other peoples feelings and totally ignore my own because I just care that much.