Someone tell me what to feel

This is a rant sand here's some fun facts for the back story...
1) I like to craft.
2) I'm married to a divorcee.
3) we have TONS of fun together, usually. 
4) my two preteen step kids live 8 hours away. 
5) we have the kids on their spring break. 
So my husband was driving to go get the kids and bring them home to spend their spring break with us. He told me he wouldn't be back until 9 pm and to not worry about fixing dinner for anyone. 
So I did what I needed to do for the day and didn't worry too much about the mess I had left all over the table with my crafting stuff. Also the bathrooms hadn't been cleaned or their beds set up ect ...
Laying out to dry/set were all the cards I had made. I tried to take advantage of my hubby being away so I could make a little stock pile of  sexy, and TOTALLY inappropriate cards that I could leave for him now and then. We do that sort of thing...
So, I was at the grocery store and taking requests via text about what kind of cereal my step kids preferred for the week when my husband just announced that they were home. 
Home? I wasn't even home! 
I hurried up and checked out and came home to our messy apartment I still thought I had 4 more hours to work on and all my inappropriate crafting left out. My step kids definitely picked them up s d read them. 
So, not only is the suprise of all my hard work ruined for my husband, since he just saw a whole preview of the gifts I would have given him but I am super embarrassed as well! I just want to hide In my room and cry! 
My husband totally misunderstood my feelings even after I tried to explain them to him and in front of the kids said " you can't get mad at me for being home early and bringing the kids, it was our choice to have them for spring break, you can't be mad that they are here now." 
Now  I'm even more indignant and upset that he would imply, especially in front of the kids, that I didn't want them there!! 
He is making a big deal out of my embarrassment and just drawing more attention to it! 
What is even a reasonable way to react?? I just want to hide all week now. Im embarrassed that I didn't have the house ready for them. I am embarrassed about the cards. I am upset that my husband didn't do what he said he would do on arrival time, and he gave me no warning, even though he had every chance to. I am upset that he would imply I was mad at him for bringing the kids here. 
Uugghh I don't see any winning here.