How to address this

Amy • Been with my love since 2/26/2010
I need advice everyone. My boyfriend is a great guy and I love him so much I'm just having problems with how he has been acting lately. So we just moved to be closer to his work I have no one out here besides my grandparents and he has his co workers and I currently am going to college. I don't have time to socialize and I guess I feel upset that he has friends and I don't out here.  He leaves for an hour or two after work to go frisbee golfing and I try to plan things during the week and he tells me well my friend asked me first. And he says well we live together what else do we need to do. Also and the most hurtful is he says it's not my fault You don't have friends. I don't know how to approach him talking to me like this and him blowing me off. He also comes home drunk after and expects me to want to have sex and stuff when I'm really just annoyed. Is anyone else in the same situation. And no I know 100% he isn't cheating I know the guy he goes golfing with and read his messages and all that. Advice is much appreciated ladies!