Don't know what to think? Tmi

My husband and I just made love about 30 min ago and I can't stop thinking about it. We haven't made love for almost 2 weeks and we just got a new bed so we thought it was time to "break in" the new bed. It lasted for about 15min. and first I was completely dry when we started, he had to use double the lube as usual because he refuses to touch me down there while I'm pregnant. It was very painful but we started. As we was going the bed kept popping and cracking and I guess it was hurting his back, which I completely understand because I never want him to be in pain. Then he just stopped me and said "okay c'mon" meaning for me to move off him. I didnt finish at all and thats very usual for us. I know that this was probably because of his back but my feelings are emotional (honestly I think it's just hormones making me upset) how would you ladies feel in this situation? I feel stupid for being upset but I can't help myself, do you think it's just my hormones making me feel this emotional?