Positive OPK, then negative, then flashing smiley face ( using clear blue) PLEASE HELP!!

Has anyone else experienced this? I started using my opk on cd 12. I normally don't O till cd 17-18 but I figured I'd start testing anyway. Well, I did and I got a solid smiley face (positive). We did the dirty, then for kicks I decided to test again 6 hours later because I just couldn't believe i ovulated that early. I got another test of the same brand, and it was totally negative. I decided to test again the next day and it was flashing smiley face (high fertility but not LH surging yet)..: what the heck is going on?? My cycles have always been very regular, and I've never had any kind of fertility problems (got preggo first try with my daughter). Has anyone else experienced this? Please help?