Abuse - among kids

Layla • Arab/American Hybrid
Okay so a little about me first to set the scene: 
My parents are of mixed race and we live in my dads country ( he is Arab and my mom is American)
So basically at my grandparents house is where the family meets once a week for lunch. The men are usually separate from the women. I have not gone regularly since I was 13 because I just find nothing in common with the people there. Anyway so on the occasions that I do go there I would see all my little cousins running around and playing like monsters. 
On one occasion I remember one little boy cousin who was probably 11 at the time was playing or shall I say bullying my other cousin who was probably 9. I remember he pushed her up against the wall and I knew that was not okay. And mind you this was in front of everyone! I shouted at him and told him that real men don't hit girls and God will send him to hell for that! ( here it's pretty much the only way to get them to actually listen because the family just lets their boys get away with murder and make them understand they can never be wrong). From then onwards I was feared by that brat and the other kids respect me a lot more. 
I won't ever forget that moment and I feel like I kind of saved her when no one else did. I just wonder if anything else ever happened to her because as she grew up she prefers to act like a boy (forced deep voice along with masculine hand gestures and such).
Has anyone else ever experienced something similar?