Ovulation test accuracy

Darcy • 31 y/o happily married. Can't have a rainbow w/o a lil rain. 💦🌈 😇mom to 2 Angels &1 rainbow due 3/24/16. IUI/ Clomid
Ok so I'd like to think the Clearblue digital ovulation test isn't accurate cuz after a miscarriage, d&c, and uterus surgery, this is the first month I can try and we are doin the BD every day and I'm on day 16 now with  "low" results every day! I tested in previous months and always got high or peak on day 13-14. I'd like to think they are wrong. Has Anybody gotten pregnant on a "low" day??? I'm really frustrated since I've had to wait so long already I just want this to be the month!!!