Anyone else can't sleep alone?

Ariadna • 23 years old. Expecting first baby 👼
I have this problem.. And I really wish I didn't. It makes me look like a huge baby... It seems like I've had this problem since I was s little girl... I hate sleeping alone. I would have my mom sleep with me for like 10 15 minutes then would go to her room I mean i was at an old age and still doing it 😔 don't judge me When I got married to my ex at the age of 18 that problem seemed to ease at first because he was there but unfortunately with an unhealthy marriage he made it worse. He would sometimes not come home and not answer my calls.. Or get home late without me knowing his where abouts. By then it became more of an anxiety problem. I just couldnt sleep if he wasn't in bed. Well I'm divorced now and with my new relationship... The father of my unborn child. It's happening. I didn't notice it because he is always around but tonight he is having some drinks here and I have to work in the am and I cannot sleep!!! Knowing he is in the living room enjoying some beers!!! I feel so dumb and being pregnant makes everything much worse... I'm so emotional . I really feel crazy 😔😔😔 anyone else maybe have a similar problem and maybe do something that helps? I'm 23 years old and I think it's just ridiculous!!!