To Swallow or Not to Swallow?

Last night after my SO and I were finished, he whispered in my ear, "Baby, your blowjobs are so amazing. Too intense. But I almost wish you wouldn't swallow."
I said, "Well sometimes I can't help it. Why do you care?" "I don't know," he said. I could tell he was getting embarrassed and unsure if he wanted to tell me. "But why?" I pressed, a few more times. Finally he said, "I don't know. I... I feel bad for you." To which I replied, "Baby, please don't. Don't feel bad for me, it's fine. I don't mind it at all!" (I really don't. I like to swallow, usually. And he likes to come in my mouth--that's his favorite. We usually have sex, then I finish him off in my mouth.) What, if any, are your man's preferences for BJ's? Thanks! 

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