Late LH surge in 28 day cycle. What does this do for pregnancy test expectations?

April • Pediatric nurse practitioner, wife of a Navy veteran wife married for over 13 years. Mom to 3 amazing kiddos! Two beautiful girls and One handsome little man! Blessed and stressed!
I have regular cycles at 28 days but I get my LH surge late (day 21 or 22). We are TTC. I'm now 2 days late which is not completely unheard of but... I noticed a significant amount of breast tenderness and I'm usually a monster to be around this close to AF but I'm sooo happy. Maybe it's just the sunshine? Anyhow, last night I smelled an overly rope banana and I just lost it completely. Made me sick as a dog. Took a test and it's negative. Bummer. In all technicality, even though I'm 2 days late for AF, I'm only 8 or 9 DPO so a negative test would be normal at this stage even if I am pregnant... Right? The suspense is killing me. Any thoughts?