It's my wedding but it's NOT mine

I feel like breaking down right now. I am getting married may 30th to my best friend but the problem is we DONT want a wedding. My mother over heard us taking about going to the courthouse and decided to put a stop to that. She said I'm her first born girl and she deserves to be involved. So now 42 days before the wedding I'm crying and its because its my wedding but it's NOT mine. It's my mothers !!! She has taken 20% of my suggestions and the other percent is all her and what she wants. Even my wedding dress I hate. It's to small for me and it's ill fitting but she bought it because it was $99. Even though I told her my fiancé could pay for the dress I loved. She picked out my maid of honors dress and the other brides maid dress even though I told her they were all size 3 and she got them sizes as big as 7. I had special invitations made and she said she hated them so now the invitations are some shit she created that I again hate! She wants to make all the food and cake. Fine with the food but I was willing to pay the $75 to have a professional cake done but she won't let me. This is the WHOLE reason why me and my fiancé DID NOT want a wedding. 
My ugly dress: 
I'm having to use my hands to hide the bulging of my fat!!
Here is the dress that actually fit me and I loved but couldn't have because it was $500
I just hate that even though it's suppose to be my day I get ignored and taken advantage of.