Something to look forward to while on bed rest! Sorry for the long post!

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙
Taken at 22w, currently 22w4d! While I'm on strict bed rest my perinatologist and regular OB both cleared me to still attend church! Which I'm extremely grateful for because I go stir crazy throughout the week and it gives me something to look forward to! 122 days until my actual due date (Aug 15th) but 105 days until my scheduled induction!! For those who have asked, I and my unborn son are doing good! Bed rest has helped a lot and I have taken up crotcheting and I have actually gotten back into sketching again. The only bad habit I have picked up is I online shopping like crazy for my little man!! My blood pressure has only bottomed out once since being put on bed rest which is a plus!!! I go to my electrophysiologist appointment tomorrow for my heart to see if I will be put on a beta blocker (for my high heart rate, still running about 150 while resting because of the extra blood volume) if I am then I will start seeing my perinatologist 2X a month for growth scans!! Wish me luck, and yes I know beta blockers are uncommon especially with low BP, however, we need to reduce my heart rate because it is affecting my weight gain (I lost 20lbs in the first trimester, gained 5, lost 1, so in total I've only gained 4lbs) and my heart rate is starting to cause stress to little Toby! Sorry for the long post, hope I didn't annoy anyone!!