Feeling stuck in rut

I've been with my husband for 7 years. Been married for only 7 months now. Things didn't feel any different after we got married just more solidified that this is real. Lately I feel like I'm seeing things in a new light. I know it's partly due to another who's reminded me what it's like to be appreciated and respected and genially cares how I feel. I also know the other part of it is with my husband lately more so now then ever before I don't feel heard. I feel like I'm just there as a card board cut out for sounding board. Dare I say a thing I get stop being so bitchy or don't take your attitude out on me. There's a selfishness to my husband and it's always been there and I've always know about it. I guess the best way to discribe it is its taxing on me. To constantly have to be on for him be available emotionally for him and to always be supportive but to not get that in return leads me to seek out that connection with others. Some old friends I've had for decades and some more recent will call him a breath of fresh air. I guess it's also I connect with this breath of fresh air on common ground. So someone who knows what it feels like to not be treated with the same love and respect they give will look for it else where. I don't think it's unusual were human and crave contact and connection with others. It's just days like this feel so alone at moments even though I sit next to husband it's like I'm on a hole other planet.