Nervous for appointment of Wednesday

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙

First off I would like to apologize for all the posts related to my bed rest and struggle of pregnancy, I just need a place to vent in all honesty. So I am currently 23w2d and I do see my regular ob 2X a month and a perinatologist 1X a month, however, Wednesday is my 6 month appointment so I will see both of them. We are determining whether or not I will need to go to complete bed rest. I have started having severe leg pain in my right leg as well as swelling and headaches (yes I know these are all signs of preeclampsia). However my blood pressure is still chronically low so I do not have the typical symptom of preeclampsia of high blood pressure. We will be testing on Wednesday. My iron, hemoglobin, and glucose are all still low despite taking 2 prenatal a day now along with an iron supplement. My body just isn't absorbing what I need. Toby (my unborn son) is doing great despite everything. We have growth scans 1x a month, and every month little man is right where he needs to be and is ahead in weight and height about 1 week. Everything looks great with him which is my primary concern. We will determine if I go to complete bed rest (which means no more church on Sundays) as well as how to safely get me to 37w4d (when I will be induced).

This is my weekly bump update, little man definitely grew in a week. I'll post a comparison. Before I get any comments on how big I am for 23w, I have gained a total of 4lbs (was 5 but I lost 1), I do not have gestational diabetes, and I am a healthy 135. I have a short torso with a forward tilting uterus, little man has nowhere to go but out!

Thank-you for letting me vent!! Sorry for the long post!