15 More Days!

Today, I turned 37wks. This is my second child, my first girl :) My son was an emergency c-section... Everytime I pushed with a contraction, his heart rate went down, severely. Come to find out, the cord was around his neck. Where I'm from, the hospitals insist that after 1 c-section, the rest of your deliveries have to be the same...therefore I am schedule to have baby girl on May 6th at 9am! This morning, the feeling of nervousness and anxiousness has kicked in full force!! In my mind, I keep going over things I still need, things I may still need to do, etc; although I can honestly say I have everything taken care of. These 9 months have literally gone by faster than I ever expected and I hope the next 15 days go the same. I'm a little scared to know I'll soon to be taking care of 2 kids, a newborn and a 5 year old -but at the same time, I feel a sense of relief knowing I'm married now and I'll have help...as opposed to my first pregnancy where my sons dad chose drugs over us and I had to do it all alone. 
This pregnancy has been a complete opposite from my first. From the morning sickness to severe heartburn, a gestational diabetes scare, to a preterm labor scare, to a weight scare... I've only gained 6 pounds this pregnancy. First one, I gained 55 :-/
I'm just a big bundle of emotions today...
And please don't judge or throw me "alternative suggestions" against a c-section, for I am fully aware of them and also fully okay with my doctors decision...
Ughhhhh I just needed to vent a little.